craft/ Helper

Screenshot of Helper

jQuery, Google Chrome


A Google Chrome extension for Paste cover letter easily. Convert URLs to hyperlinks. Scroll to top button. Remove banners.


Add your cover letter to your bid easily.

Paste your cover letter template and just change some parts to match the project requirements. It will also somehow reduce the time you usually spend on bidding on a project.

URLs to hyperlinks

Automatically converts URLs to hyperlinks on the project description on page load. This will save you time rather than highlighting the whole URL and doing some action after that. This can be disabled on Settings.

Scroll to top

This feature automatically adds a button under the pagination of project feed and project bids list that will scroll to the top of the page when clicked. This cannot be disabled on Settings.

Scroll to bid

After completing your bid, the page automatically scrolls to your own bid just to let you see if you need some changes to be done. This can be disabled on Settings.

Lastly, remove the banners

Sometimes it's not really necessary to see the banner on the dashboard and on a project page. This can also be disabled on Settings.

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